Monday, January 12, 2009

Savings Tally - Week Ending 1/11/09

All in all, a good week. I realized that most weekdays I spend very little to nothing because I eat all meals at home and (between working, going to the gym, dinner and DVR) don't have time to get into any shopping trouble.

Ah - there's a good lesson: Staying busy saves money.

Then there's the weekend. We often eat out with friends or out of laziness, so we're working on making thriftier choices as you'll notice below.

Sat 1/10: Ate at Mudgies instead of splurging on expensive pre-theater dinner plus adult beverages. Mudgies is our latest Detroit fav - Matt especially loves the award-winning Madill sandwich. = $70.00

Sun 1/11: I used to laugh at my Dad when he proudly proclaimed he was saving money by showering at gym. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree afterall - rack a free shower up for me! = $1.00 (a total guesstimate - will work on figuring this out)

Sun 1/11: The plan was to cook at home, but we ran into a plumbing snafu and didn't have running water. Pulled out the Entertainment book and clipped a CJ's coupon = $13.00

Adding $84.00 to the pot!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy today because God has done it for me after going through hard times with other loan lenders and nothing works out, I was about to lose my faith and hope but I still have to stand strong and pursue what I am looking for. I am happy today because God has directed me to the best Loan Company and I didn't regret anything after contacting them and my heart desire was granted and I was given the said amount I requested for (300,000.00 USD), the money was paid into my account after two weeks of talking with the company and they didn't stress me or give me any headache in getting this loan from them, others of my family members and friends I directed to them all got their loan too, I would love you to contact / whatsapp +1-8632310632 . and get your loan quickly and this is safe and fast, you that have loose hope, faith and everything you have all just in the name of getting a loan and nothing work out, bet me if you try this man called Pedro Jerome , you will never regret anything and your loan request will be approve and it will be paid directly into your bank account, so hurry now and contact quick response on WhatsApp +1-8632310632. ask for any type of Loan, and it will be granted to you. I wish you the best
